If It’s Saturday It Must Be Bananas

wow…. veeryb amazing fruits

Votum Locus

If It’s Saturday It Must Be Bananas… Well, any day with a “Y” in actually. Believe me when I say I have no complaints about the food. It has been very good, if a more limited menu than what we Muzungu are accustomed to.

What’s a Muzungu? That is what I was called as a white man in Uganda. I didn’t mind because it is not used as a derogatory term but only as a general form of address. Take my word as a Muzungu, I am not kidding about the bananas. We had them served at just about every meal. Small sweet ones that are called matooke as well as larger ones that are more like plantains. At breakfast they are served raw and at other meals they are served both raw and cooked and mashed. Fr. Emmanuel told us they are not very good that way without gravy…

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